
Platform Updates

New Features and Enhancements

As publishing models, technologies and online consumer experience evolve over time, we efficiently adapt, shift and invest in developing our platform and supporting services to keep pace with change, and to keep your business thriving.

  • 30-04-2024

    Release Notes - March to April 2024

    • NEW FEATURE: WeChat Pay and AliPay via Stripe.
    • NEW FEATURE: Display of currency as per user's IP address.
    • NEW FEATURE: Functionality to manage recommended Journal.
    • ENHANCEMENT: Additional filters of Imprint or Partner Press for Advanced Search.

  • 29-02-2024

    Release notes - January to February 2024

    • NEW FEATURE: MARC records by Imprints or Partner Press.
    • NEW FEATURE: NEW metadata options for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Virtual server set-up.
    • INDUSTRY UPDATE: CrossRef updates.

  • 22-12-2023

    Release notes - September to December 2023

    • NEW FEATURE: Book Chapter module.

  • 25-08-2023

    Release notes - August 2023

    • INDUSTRY UPDATE: CrossRef 5.3.0

  • 30-06-2023

    Release notes - June 2023

    • NEW FEATURE: Pre-order functionality.
    • ENHANCEMENT: Full-Text Search with the number of occurrences of search terms.

  • 28-04-2023

    Release notes - April 2023

    • NEW FEATURE: Subscription-Search for Librarians.
    • NEW FEATURE: Open Archives Initiative Protocol (OAI-PMH) for Metadata Harvesting.
    • NEW FEATURE: Export Citation widget for eBooks & Journal Articles.
    • ENHANCEMENT: Additional Subscription-Search filters for Publishers.

  • 31-03-2023

    Release notes - March 2023

    • NEW FEATURE: Payment Method Filter for Subscription-Search for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Content Alert Settings page for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Top Alerts Statistics for Publishers.
    • ENHANCEMENT: Additional Usage Count Statistics Data and Filters for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Email log for Publishers to monitor all the outgoing emails.

  • 28-02-2023

    Release notes - February 2023

    • NEW FEATURE: Journal Table of Contents (TOC) Alerts.
    • NEW FEATURE: Subject (Books) Alerts.
    • NEW FEATURE: Books Series Alerts.
    • NEW FEATURE: Collection Alerts.
    • NEW FEATURE: Search Alerts.
    • NEW FEATURE: Journal Online First Table of Contents (TOC) Alerts.
    • NEW FEATURE: Option for Publisher to trigger the content alerts manually if needed.

  • 31-01-2023

    Release notes - January 2023

    • NEW FEATURE: Journal ONLINE First publication.
    • NEW FEATURE: Journal Volume Subscription for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Modify subscriptions in bulk functionality.
    • NEW FEATURE: "Resend order confirmation email" button for Publishers.
    • ENHANCEMENT: Additional filters for Advanced Search.

  • 23-12-2022

    Release notes - December 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Supplement Book Series feature added for Journals.
    • NEW FEATURE: Most-Read Articles feature added.
    • NEW FEATURE: Ability for Librarians to purchase content online feature added.
    • NEW FEATURE: Collection/ Package content download for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Publicly accessible KBART reports.

  • 30-11-2022

    Release notes - November 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Top Titles Statistics for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Top Book Series Statistics for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Top Journal Issue Statistics for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Top Journal Article Statistics for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Top User Statistics for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Open Access Content Statistics for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Access Token Statistics for Publishers.

  • 31-10-2022

    Release notes - October 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Search Settings Management for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Functionality to re-process content for Search for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Ability for Librarians to upload their logo for personalisation.
    • NEW FEATURE: Functionality to clear cached cover images for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Functionality to calculate catalogue pages for Publishers.

  • 30-09-2022

    Release notes - September 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Catalogue statistics filter for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Access Padlocks for Users.
    • ENHANCEMENT: Open Access license placeholder in the Watermark Module.
    • NEW FEATURE: Save Search functionality for Users.
    • NEW FEATURE: Ability to Publish/ Release multiple items for Publishers.

  • 31-08-2022

    Release notes - August 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Bulk Subscriptions Import module.
    • NEW FEATURE: Discount codes module.
    • NEW FEATURE: IPv6 authentication.
    • NEW FEATURE: Share subscription module.
    • NEW FEATURE: Share COUNTER statistics module.

  • 29-07-2022

    Release notes - July 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Automated content submission to third-parties.
    • ENHANCEMENT: CMS pages.
    • NEW FEATURE: Self-Storage for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Vanity URL redirect for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Shipping Module for Publishers.

  • 30-06-2022

    Release notes - June 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Watermark module for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: Look inside module for Publishers.
    • NEW FEATURE: "New Publications" feature added.
    • NEW FEATURE: "What are your colleagues reading" feature added.
    • NEW FEATURE: "Most cited" feature added.

  • 31-05-2022

    Release notes - May 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Catalogue restriction by Subscription.
    • ENHANCEMENT: User management.
    • NEW FEATURE: OpenURL support.
    • NEW FEATURE: Shibboleth German Federation.

  • 29-04-2022

    Release notes - April 2022

    • First major upgrade and deployment of Version 2 of CloudPublish.

  • 31-03-2022

    Release notes - March 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: CLOCKSS integration.
    • NEW FEATURE: Third-party integration with an IP authentication service provider.

  • 28-02-2022

    Release notes - February 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Shopify integration.
    • NEW FEATURE: Third-party integration with a subscription management system.

  • 31-01-2022

    Release notes - January 2022

    • NEW FEATURE: Access Tokens.
    • NEW FEATURE: Google Scholar compliance.
    • NEW FEATURE: Third-party video widgets.

  • 31-12-2021

    Release notes - December 2021

    • NEW FEATURE: KUDOS integration.
    • NEW FEATURE: Free-to-read content hosting and delivery.
    • NEW FEATURE: Print fulfillment.

  • 30-11-2021

    Release notes - November 2021

    • NEW FEATURE: Full-Text content hosting and delivery.
    • NEW FEATURE: Altmetrics integration.
    • NEW FEATURE: OpenAthens integration.

  • 29-10-2021

    Release notes - October 2021

    • NEW FEATURE: Multibuy.

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